FFA Program
FFA is an organization for young men and women who are interested in the industry of agriculture. The FFA started in 1928 in Kansas City, Missouri as organization for young men and was originally called the Future Farmers of America. In the early seventies, the constitution was changed to allow for young women to become members of the organization. Then in the early eighties the Future Farmers of America changed their name to FFA. This was done because the industry of agriculture encompasses much more than farming.
High school agricultural programs are structured to involve three different areas: Classroom, Supervised Agricultural Experience, and FFA. FFA members exhibit their Supervised Agricultural Experience projects at the Clayton County Fair. SAE programs are designed to give members practical experience and to learn by doing. Exhibiting these projects at the fair allows FFA members to evaluate their progress and to show the citizens of Clayton County what they have accomplished.
Fair Royalty
Calling all young ladies and men between the ages of 16 and 20 as of August 11th, 2024 and are in one service organization you are eligible to run for the 2024 Clayton County Fair Royalty Contest.
As a reminder, there is a $50.00 application/sponsor fee, so go out and find a sponsor to help you with the contest! The check can be made out to the Clayton County Fairboard. If you are interested, you can pick up an application from the extension office or contact Chezney Priem at 563-542-7653.